Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Woman of Excellence

 So I went to our ladies BBQ this afternoon...great time, great fellowship.  I went with a lot of stuff on my mind about our financial situation and my exhaustion from the week.  Just too much "stuff" on my mind.  We had fellowship and lots of eating and I was still just bogged down, physically and emotionally.  But then we sat down and got into our time of studying God's word together.  Now we were going to get an answer, right?  Now was the time for releasing my "woes and cares" and finding peace with it all...whatever!

Well, one of our deacons wives was in charge of the lesson time so I came into prepared to glean whatever I could to "get a fix" for my issues.  It was a very refreshing talk on how to be a Woman of Excellence...not human excellence (as is defined by doing well in life and having all the "stuff" you want) but God honoring Excellence, Excellence for HIM.  So as I sat and listened and participated God began to speak to me through all the other people who were sharing.  I "say" all the right stuff, I "act" right...but am I truly a Woman of Excellence as God defines it?  Being so wrapped up in my issues and not focusing on what God says.  Being so focused on how tired I am at the end of a week or focused on how we barely have 2 pennies to rub together each week?  Am I allowing God to work through these things...allowing Him to make me a Woman of Excellence through them?  Truth...NO! the good stuff is happening!  Now God is getting a hold of me and making me focus on Him.  So many scriptures were read today discussing this issue of excellence.  I will choose the one that spoke to me the most! Philippians 4::8 "Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are noble, whatsoever things are right, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, think on these things."  That hits it on the head for me.  If I am thinking on things that are true I can't be worried about finances...if I am thinking on things that are lovely I can't be focused on my tiredness.  If I am thinking right, then I can act right!

WOW...God used today to teach me, yet again, that He is in control and His ways are right.  That if I am going to be a Woman of Excellence my first priority HAS to be on glorifying Him.  I have to be in His word more so I can learn from Him.  I have to be focused at home to live a life worthy of His calling in my life!

So, what is a Woman of Excellence you say?  I don't know all the answers to that loaded question.  But I do know that I have to start by being in His word and glorifying Him in all areas of my life...then and only then can I begin to know what Excellence...God's for me!

Tricia :)

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