Friday, December 16, 2011

Closing out the year

I haven't posted much recently.  No real good reason, mostly lack of things to say.  I am currently thinking of all the things that have to happen between now and the end of the year.  Christmas program at church this weekend.  Last minute shopping next week.  Christmas eve lunch with my grandparents, uncle, and cousins. Christmas with my adorable little family next Sunday (that is what I am looking forward to the most).  Sister and her husband arrive Christmas day late afternoon/early evening.  A few hours with them and then an 11 hour trip to Michigan with 3 adults and 3 kids. Packing Mom and Dad up for the trip back to PA with all of their stuff.  New Years Eve hopefully quiet at home!  Whew...lots going on!

Seems like no big deal, right? Should be...praying so!  The one thing I have to constantly be reminding myself is that this season is NOT about me and my agenda.  It is about Christ and His being born on earth to die. To die for you and me!  THAT is the most incredible thought and one I don't EVER want to loose.  He came to die for me...something I did not deserve but something I am beyond thankful for.

I know this is said a lot this time of year, but take a moment to reflect on what God has done for you!  Set aside the "to-do list" and focus on the reason we should be celebrating!  Remember the little baby but also remember His sacrifice on the cross.

I pray you have a WONDERFUL Christmas with your families.  I pray you have a FABULOUS New Year.

Tricia :)

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Good post, Trish!
Love you, girl!